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A Scalable Architecture for Distributed OSGi in the Cloud
Kuijs H, Knahl MH, Clarke NL, Reich C
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2016, pp109-117, ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3, 2016
Awarded 'Best Student Paper Award"
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Elasticity is one of the essential characteristics for cloud computing. The presented use case is a Software as a Service for Ambient Assisted Living that is configurable and extensible by the user. By adding or deleting functionality to the application, the environment has to support the increase or decrease of computational demand by scaling. This is achieved by customizing the auto scaling components of a PaaS management platform and introducing new components to scale a distributed OSGi environment across virtual machines. We present different scaling and load balancing scenarios to show the mechanics of the involved components.

Kuijs H, Knahl MH, Clarke NL, Reich C