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Acceptance Factors of Wearable Computing: An Empirical Investigation
Gribel L, Regier S, Stengel I
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Network Conference (INC 2016), Frankfurt, Germany, July 19-21, pp67-72, ISBN: 978-1-84102-410-3, 2016
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Despite the vast economic potential of wearable technologies, up to now there is only little scientific research on the acceptance determinants of the wearable computing phenomenon. Therefore, the overall aim of this study is to explain psychographic factors that lead to either acceptance or resistance of wearable computing. This paper synthesises a cause and effect model of wearable computing adoption in the European market. The basis of the proposed conceptual framework builds an explorative study consisting of expert interviews and a subsequent qualitative content analysis to identify salient acceptance factors. The results indicate that the strongest factor that supports the acceptance of wearable technologies is perceived usefulness, whilst the main reason for resistance towards these technologies are perceived IT security risks.

Gribel L, Regier S, Stengel I