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Issues Affecting the Extraction of Data from the Web
Butt S, Phippen AD
Advances in Network & Communication Engineering 3, pp185-192, 2006
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Much of the data found on the Web is of some value, especially data found on company websites. Therefore, the collection and storage of such data would provide a valuable resource. Due to the sheer volume of data it is impractical to expect a human being to be capable of accurately collecting it through browsing the Web. A solution to this problem is to automate the task of data extraction. Unfortunately, differing standards in the quality of documents on the Web restrict the amount of data retrieved and the accuracy of an automated process. This paper examines the types of data that may be required to be, and can be, extracted from a web page, as well as issues affecting the accuracy of data extraction. It is then suggested that the use of standard document syntax and structure, and the use of self descriptive elements, to aid the automated data extraction process may improve information flow between businesses on the Web.

Butt S, Phippen AD