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Securing Information and Communications Systems: Principles, Technologies, and Applications
Furnell SM, Katsikas SK, Lopez J, Patel A
Artech House, ISBN 978-1-59693-228-9, 289pp, 2008
Links:  External link available

Stay one confident step ahead of the ever-evolving threat potential with today’s most powerful IT security tools and techniques found in this practical resource. Written by an international team of security specialists, this one-stop reference gives you the latest expertise on everything from access control and network security, to smart cards and privacy, all conveniently organized in self-contained chapters to give you fast access to whatever answers, solutions, or guidance you may need.

This total blueprint to security design and operations brings all modern considerations into focus. It maps out user authentication methods that feature the latest biometric techniques, followed by authorization and access controls including DAC, MAC, and ABAC and how these controls are best applied in today’s relational and multilevel secure database systems. The book addresses network security in depth, offering a fresh look at anti-intrusion approaches, intrusion detection systems, authentication and authorization infrastructures, identity certificates, smart cards, and tokens. It also includes the latest encryption techniques, including algorithms to resist active and side channel attacks. Moreover, you find privacy-enhancing identity management tools, techniques for controlling website content, and even cybercrime investigation techniques that will help you turn the tables on attackers. Case studies of various Internet security applications round out this full collection of security tools that will prove indispensable in your ongoing efforts to safeguard IT systems from attack.

Furnell SM, Katsikas SK, Lopez J, Patel A