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Protecting Society using the Semantic Web
Atkinson S, Johnson C, Phippen AD
Invited poster presentation to House of Commons Reception for Early Stage Researchers, 2007
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Modern privacy problems have been identified as a result of unchecked information flows between a variety of different entities. The ubiquitous nature of the Internet facilitates the gathering, storage and onward transmission of personal data - something which business enterprises turn into a commodity. Personal information is a difficult entity to control, once it has been divulged it is difficult to ascertain exactly where else it may be divulged. Social networking web applications, where individuals link to each other give a good example of uncontrolled data exchange.

The effects of Internet technologies upon vulnerable groups are therefore of concern, especially given that the consequences can be extreme. Domestic abuse survivors are most vulnerable when they decide to leave an abusive relationship. Control of their personal information is essential at this time and any release in personal information can lead to serious harm or death. Teenagers make full use of the Internet and all the related technologies as a way of keeping up with their peers and often do not consider the consequences of their actions. They are also the group at most risk from stalking and predatory behaviour.

Atkinson S, Johnson C, Phippen AD