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Turbo Code Protection of a Video Watermarking Channel
Ambroze MA, Wade G, Serdean CV, Tomlinson M, Stander J, Borda M
IEE Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Volume 148, Number 1, pp. 54-58, 2001
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The operational capacity of a watermark data channel is deduced by examining the correlation distribution at the retrieval end of a spread-spectrum-based watermarking system. This enables capacity to be determined given MPEG-2 compression, geometric attack, visual thresholds and channel coding. Watermarking itself is carried out in the DCT domain using video-dependent and visual perception concepts. An objective of the paper is to determine the capacity improvement provided by advanced FEC. It is found that FEC based on multiple parallel concatenated convolutional codes (3PCCCs) can give an order improvement in capacity for compressed video, and typically gives 0.5 kbit/s capacity under a combined compression-geometric attack

Ambroze MA, Wade G, Serdean CV, Tomlinson M, Stander J, Borda M