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Playing safe: A prototype game for raising awareness of social engineering
Newbould M, Furnell SM
Proceedings of the 7th Australian Information Security Management Conference (SECAU 2009), 1-3 December, Perth, Australia, On-line proceedings only, 2009
Links:  External link available

With online social engineering currently a major problem, it is vital to educate the potential victims of these attacks. This paper presents details of an awareness-raising game that was developed in order to educate users in a more interactive way. A board game approach, combining themed multiple-choice questions and reference material was implemented as an initial prototype, and evaluated with 21 users. The results of this trial suggested that the approach helps to increase players’ awareness of social engineering, with nobody scoring under 55% whilst playing the game, and 86% of users feeling they had improved their knowledge on the subjects involved.

Newbould M, Furnell SM