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Information Security Awareness and Culture
Al-Shehri Y, Clarke NL
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security 6, ISBN: 978-1-84102-258-1, pp12-22, 2009
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The Internet has dramatically increased during the last decade in terms of the number of users. Users from diverse backgrounds have joined the Internet. At the same time, Internet threats have increased and become more sophisticated. Measuring the awareness of end users from diverse backgrounds was one of the aims of this research. A questionnaire was designed and published online in order achieve this aim and reach end-users everywhere. After analysing the answers of all participants, the study found that cultural factors can influence security practices in terms of the use of the Internet and information confidentiality. In addition, competent users often have poor practices which do not help the maintenance of security. Moreover, incompetent users are often unconscious of their needs. In order to develop awareness levels and thereby develop security practices, educating security can significantly help to increase the awareness.

Al-Shehri Y, Clarke NL