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Analysis of Structure and Performance of Turbo Codes over Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels: Practical Design and Implementation
Anglin-Jaffe A, Ambroze MA
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 7, ISBN: 978-1-84102-283-3, pp29-37, 2010
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This paper is concerned with the design and effectiveness of a family of error correction codes
known as Turbo codes. Turbo codes are correction codes used to eliminate errors from
communications networks. This family of code has error performance levels approaching the
theoretical limit outlined by Shannon (1948). These codes are applied in the practical setting
of error correction in deep space communication. This paper reviews the current literature
associated with turbo coding, then outlines and evaluates a practical design scheme for a turbo
code. Modifications to the code to provide better error performance are described and the
results generated are discussed.

Anglin-Jaffe A, Ambroze MA