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Case-based reasoning approach for re-use activities
Zinn M, Fischer KP, Schoop R
Proceedings of the 3th International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY 2012), pp. 31-42, ISBN: 978-989-8565-32-7, 2012
Links:  External link available

The development of software applications is partly or entirely based on the re-use of software units. For software engineers, this leads to the problem that it is not possible to know all processes, technologies and supporting applications and the alternatives needed for the re-use of a software unit. As a result software engineers are not able to employ the most optimal solution known. Based on case based reasoning this paper outlines a way to use the stored knowledge of a specific re-use activity in order to give software engineers assistance if they want to perform similar activities. This solution consists of a proposal system for a re-use activity information system. The publication concludes with the result that it is possible to re-use, within a given an environment, specific knowledge for other integration activities.

Zinn M, Fischer KP, Schoop R