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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Free e-Safety Software
Padmini DD, Atkinson S
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 9, ISBN: 978-1-84102-320-5, pp36-41, 2012
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The young children are increasingly using the Internet every day; they are involved in a variety of online activities ranging from learning to social networking and more. Researches indicates that the more children use the Internet the more they are exposed to risks online. Parents, Schools and other stakeholders are worried about this. Among the many solutions including parental supervision, usage policies, awareness initiatives, etc; the use of E-Safety products for safeguarding children is considered as one of the most important ways to reduce the risks to children when they are online. This report aims to look at the various available free to use solutions and to measure their effectiveness against a carefully designed framework that enables the evaluation of filtering software in a broader scope and focus in relations to the children's online risks.

Padmini DD, Atkinson S