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E-Safety in the Mobile Context
Legunsen A, Atkinson S
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 10, ISBN: 978-1-84102-358-8, pp128-135, 2013
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The research aims to develop practical strategies which can be used to curb dangers and risks associated with children going online through mobile devices. The research identified that stakeholders have a role in ensuring e-safety so a multi-stakeholder practical approach was employed and it entailed using a data survey conducted by Plymouth Safeguarding Children's Board. A risk model was also developed for the purpose of implementing practical strategies to minimize online risk. The data from the survey was analysed and the risk model was implemented on the outcome of the survey. The risk model discovered inherent problems in particular situations and the different stages of the risk model are applied to the problem until a positive feedback resolved the problem.

Legunsen A, Atkinson S