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A secure sharing design for multi-tag RFID authentication protocol
Al-Adhami AH, Ambroze MA, Christopher C, Stengel I, Tomlinson M
Proceedings of the 8th Australian Security and Intelligence Conference, Perth, Australia, 30 Nov-2 Dec, pp 87-93, ISBN: 0-7298-0735-5, 2015
Links:  External link available

RFID technology, in recent years, has gained significant momentum with increased use in supply chain management. In view of its great potential, RFID technology can provide accurate information, ease of control and labor cost reduction (Masum and Bhuiyam, 2013). Despite the fact that RFIDs can enhance the efficiency of supply chain management, there exist some issues that require due consideration; these issues include scalability and security challenge. RFID based solutions are actually developed, yet they do not tend to address number of risks related to security and privacy of the information that is stored in each tag, e.g. unauthorised reader can read the information inside the tag, illegitimate tags or cloned tags can be accessed by reader that generate privacy and security problem. Most of these developed authentication protocols; however, they still focus only on single reader and single tag authentication. This paper seeks proposal of an authentication protocol that allows shares of the encryption message with multi-tag during the authentication process. The proposed design complements the idea of combining the lite version of Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem with the Shamir's secret key scheme. This combination allows the sharing of the encrypted message within multi-tag and managing up keys distribution during the authentication scheme. The security and privacy of the proposed protocol insures by the property of the lite version of Cramer-Shoup which is secured against non-adaptive chosen cipher-text.

Al-Adhami AH, Ambroze MA, Christopher C, Stengel I, Tomlinson M