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3D Facial Recognition and Eye Tracking
Ketab S, Clarke NL, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS)
The Postgraduate Society Conference, 16th March 2016, Plymouth University, 2016

In this study, the focus has been on the development of a more secure, flexible, transparent and continuous authentication mechanism for e-assessments.

To monitor the exam taker and ensure that only the allowed student is taking the exam, the system will offer a continuous authentication using:
2D facial recognition
3D facial recognition
using a CREATIVE front-facing 3D camera and The Eye Tribe eye tracker to follow/record the student’s eye movement.

2D Face recognition, is the main (user-friendly) authentication approach that has already been used in the prototype e-invigilation system. However, this method can be bypassed by spoofing facial recognition using a photograph. Therefore, for more robust facial recognition, the next phase will focus upon the development and evaluation of novel continuous and transparent authentication utilising 3D facial recognition using a front-facing 3D camera.

Ketab S, Clarke NL, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS)