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Endpoint study of Internet paths and web pages transfers
Ghita BV, Furnell SM, Lines BL, Ifeachor E
Proceedings of the Third International Network Conference (INC 2002), Plymouth, UK, 16-18 July 2002, pp261-270, 2002
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This paper presents the findings of a pilot study to provide information about the characteristics of current
networks and data transfers. The main aim of the study was to infer the properties of a large number of network
paths. In addition, the study produced statistics relating to the average size of a typical web page and both under
the restriction of a single-point connection. The study was performed in two steps: trace collection followed by
TCP per-flow analysis. The trace collection used the functionality of a random link generator, combined with an
automatic HTTP retrieval tool. The TCP analysis was applied to the collected traces and it involved an offline
TCP per-flow method developed in previous research.

Ghita BV, Furnell SM, Lines BL, Ifeachor E