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Page ranking and topic-sensitive page ranking: micro-changes and macro-impact
Rimbach F, Dannenberg M, Bleimann U
Internet Research, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 38-48, 2007

Understanding the implementation and impact of the PageRank (PR) algorithm and the Topic Sensitive Page Ranking (TSPR) allows the focused development of Internet-marketing strategies. This paper describes the calculation, implementation and impact of the two concepts and derives Internet marketing approaches based on search engine optimization (SEO). The objectives and contribution of this paper are the direct comparison of the technical implementation and marketing impact of the two algorithms and especially the illustration of feasible SEO strategies within both environments. Certainly the changing technology of Search Engines (SE) means that they are getting ever more complex and this article is just a snapshot of major developments.

Rimbach F, Dannenberg M, Bleimann U