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Impact of E-Commerce on International Supply Chain Management in Shanghai Custom Department
Xu B, Phippen AD
Advances in Network & Communication Engineering 3, pp215-222, 2006
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After China’s accession to WTO, with an increasing growth of international trade in China, the importance of international supply chain has accepted a huge attention. Undoubtedly, effective international supply chain management will contribute to improving free trade with globalising trend. In this instance, facing fierce challenges outsides, in order to ensure high-quality operation of international supply chain, the extent to which the performance of Custom Department in China is extremely important. The more effectively Chinese government performs, the more profits the international and domestic business will be generated. In addition, China is becoming a “world wide manufactory”. Local government in China has to establish a good business environment for organisations. As an important port city in China, the performance of Shanghai Custom Department (SCD) will directly influence the business environment in China. Thus, the introduction of E-commerce, which is positive factor to improve the development of international supply chain, has been explored and integrated into the service of Custom Department to meet the increasing demand of export and import.

Considering all kinds of factors concerned above, the paper aims to explore the research about whether the application of E-commerce plays an important role to improve the implementation of international supply chain in SCD. This paper is combined the methods of literature review and primary research including questionnaire and telephone interview to ensure the effectiveness of research. By analysing the information gained, a result about the extent of E-commerce to affect the operation of supply chain will be found. Based on the negative issue of E-commerce, which results in a low improvement to operate supply chain in organisations, this research offers a series of recommendation to enhance the use and impact of E-commerce.

Xu B, Phippen AD