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The State of Elderly in ICT Adoption at Rural Area
Lee SY, Phippen AD
Advances in Network & Communication Engineering 3, pp241-249, 2006
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Despite the rapid growth of Internet, elderly often being left out while their needs and opinions seldom being heard and represent. Given the number of elderly population started to rise over the years, their commercial potential have draw attention of government and private party which show interest of the neglected market segment. This paper refers to study 87 sample respondents from Plymouth, United Kingdom. Behind the sense, many encouragements and Internet facilities had been built at rural area to enhance the development. This paper discusses the state of readiness for elderly to accept ICT having the current condition, measuring their ability, emotional constraints and physical barriers. Additionally, it would looks into effectiveness of encouragements used to promote ICT and connection of social impact to elderly’s learning attitude. The result suggests different approaches of sustaining local area elderly’s interest in ICT adoption and government effort in monitoring existing scheme.

Lee SY, Phippen AD