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The Web 2.0 Demystified – Six Theses on a Misinterpreted Concept
Hofmann HD, Knahl MH
Proceedings of the Seventh International Network Conference (INC2008), Plymouth, UK, 8-10 July, pp245-259, 2008
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The Web 2.0 was said to bring real innovation, new concepts, and new applications to the Web. The role of a user is upgraded by changing his passive role of information consumer to the role of somebody producing and consuming information at the same time ("prosumer"). In our paper, we discuss the major aspects of the concept Web 2.0 and draw conclusions from our findings by means of theses. It is argued that technologies used with Web 2.0 do not represent an innovative factor. We discuss technical aspects such as technologies and programming interfaces as well as usability aspects and business aspects of Web 2.0 applications and give an outlook to future developments and new concepts used on the Web. Based on the derived theses it is proposed that the Web 3.0 will bring new concepts and applications to the web rather than the Web 2.0.

Hofmann HD, Knahl MH