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Security considerations in online distance learning
Furnell SM, Bleimann U, Girsang J, Röder HF, Sanders P, Stengel I
Proceedings of Euromedia 99, Munich, Germany, pp31-135, 25-28 April, 1999
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The paper considers the need for information security within the emerging field of online distance learning (ODL), which is currently gaining popularity amongst universities and other training institutions. General security requirements are considered, leading to specific consideration of issues relating to user authentication and electronic copyright protection, both of which are important concerns from the perspective of the organisation offering the ODL service. The discussion is based upon work being undertaken within the SDLearn research project, a collaborative initiative between higher academic establishments in the UK and Germany, with the overall aim of producing a standardised ODL security framework.

Furnell SM, Bleimann U, Girsang J, Röder HF, Sanders P, Stengel I