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Vulnerability Awareness
Edu A, Papadaki M
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security 6, ISBN: 978-1-84102-258-1, pp32-39, 2009
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The many application humans carry out with the use of the computer are almost uncountable. The advent of the Internet made the whole world go agog with the wealth of activities that can be achieved on the Internet. The Internet became the information gateway. However, the development came with its sour part. The Internet became the nest for attackers who unleashed mayhem on unsuspecting users attacking their systems with all sorts of elements that compromised the systems. The common element with those entire computers is that they all are vulnerable. The idea of the consciousness of this menace is what the research, Vulnerability Awareness is about. The aim of this research is to investigate the problem of maintaining vulnerability awareness, focusing on the extent and range of sources used by network administrators and end users. The objectives of the research therefore includes to demonstrate awareness of vulnerabilities and vulnerability management issues, investigate existing attitudes of network administrators and end users towards vulnerability awareness, focusing particularly on the range of sources they use to keep informed about vulnerabilities and finally using the findings to recommend solutions to improve the problem of maintaining vulnerability awareness. The investigation lays emphasis on Network administrators and Home users. This thesis explains methods used for data collection, investigation and analysis of each set of users. The data for statistics was collected using an online survey questionnaire. The obtained was analyzed and the results are interpreted in the form of graphs and charts to obtain the characteristic attitude of each user towards Vulnerability and its management.

Edu A, Papadaki M