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Assessing the Risks of Plymouth's Presence on Social Networks- A Case Study of Bebo
Shodiya O, Phippen AD
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 7, ISBN: 978-1-84102-283-3, pp96-101, 2010
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This research paper considers the sorts of risks associated with the posting of personal
information on social networking sites, using Plymouths presence on the social networking
site Bebo as a case study. It also considers the data that users provide, that makes them more
vulnerable to these risks. The paper then concludes that there is a low level of awareness of
internet protection amongst the Plymouth community on Bebo, and user education is needed
in order to mitigate against the risks that Bebo users in Plymouth expose themselves to when
they post their personal information online.

Shodiya O, Phippen AD