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On Trellis Structure of Error Correction Coding
Thomas SK, Ambroze MA
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 8, ISBN: 978-1-84102-293-2, pp47-57, 2011
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The major objective of all communication techniques is accomplishing the fastest way of data transmission through a communication channel, i.e. trying to reach the Shannon’s Channel Limit. One of the solutions to these developments is error correction coding technique which is currently employed in broadband satellite communication and data storage. Constructing a Trellis, which is the graphical representation of the code; reduces the decoding complexity, thereby improves transmission efficiency. This project will investigate the way trellises are constructed for different types of codes, mainly linear block codes and how they are used to correct errors on transmission channels.

The project involves in the study of the trellis diagrams for both the convolutional and block codes; and focuses on the encoding and decoding of linear block codes using the trellis diagram. The implementation of the trellis diagram of the Hamming code for both the encoding and decoding process has been done using the MATLAB software. The code has been tested for various codewords and the results are collated in tables.

Thomas SK, Ambroze MA