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Investigation, Development and Test of Video over IP Applications for IMS/SIP Clients
Bonhomme R, Sun L, Mkwawa IH
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 8, ISBN: 978-1-84102-293-2, pp167-174, 2011
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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate and develop Video over IP solutions regarding the current technologies. The objectives are to understand how a mobile device or client can communicate with multimedia servers and others devices and to define the differences with traditional telephony server on the one hand. To investigate and to understand how video calls and real time Quality of Service can be implemented on these clients using these servers on the other hand. A VoIP testbed was set up which includes open IMS core, Asterisk server, Android G1 phone and X-lite VoIP client to facilitate this task. Video calls between G1 phone and X-lite had been enabled using Asterisk server. These calls had been monitored: calculation of delay, jitter and packet loss and a Quality of Experience metric had been implemented to provide information on the call quality.

Bonhomme R, Sun L, Mkwawa IH