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Digital Watermarking for Copyright Protection
Ambroze MA, Venkateswarlu VRK
Advances in Communications, Computing, Networks and Security Volume 8, ISBN: 978-1-84102-293-2, pp223-230, 2011
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Digital watermarking is a technique which permits the users to integrate or embed the data into electronic contents like image, audio or video. This research project aims to protect the copyright of ownership, and unauthorized copying of digital data by presenting secure algorithm. In this project, the digital watermark using least significant bit (LSB) technique is implemented and discussed. The original colour image which has to be watermarked is formed of thousands of pixels. Every pixel of the colour image is represented with the binary system and is structured to create a digital plane. The least significant bits of all pixels will show randomness and it will not affect the vision effect or the data of the original file even after changing last bit of each pixel. So we can replace the least digit with the watermarking information. This process is implemented in this project by using Matlab coding on an image file and the result shows that LSB technique is to be simple, cost effective and reliable watermarking technique.

Ambroze MA, Venkateswarlu VRK