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Validating Cloud Infrastructure Changes by Cloud Audits
Doelitzscher F, Fischer C, Moskal D, Reich C, Knahl MH, Clarke NL
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES2012), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4756-5/12, pp377-384, 2012
Links:  External link available

One characteristic of a cloud computing infrastructure are their
frequently changing virtual infrastructure. New Virtual Machines (VMs)
get deployed, existing VMs migrate to a different host or network
segment and VMs vanish since they get deleted by their user. Classic
incidence monitoring mechanisms are not flexible enough to cope with
cloud specific characteristics such as frequent infrastructure changes.
In this paper we present a prototype demonstration of the Security Audit
as a Service (SAaaS) architecture, a cloud audit system which aims to
increase trust in cloud infrastructures by introducing more transparency
to user and cloud provider on what is happening in the cloud. Especially
in the event of a changing infrastructure the demonstration shows, how
autonomous agents detect this change, automatically re-evaluate the
security status of the cloud and inform the user through an audit report.

Doelitzscher F, Fischer C, Moskal D, Reich C, Knahl MH, Clarke NL