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Economic Efficiency Control on Data Centre Resources in Heterogeneous Cost Scenarios
Heckmann B, Zinn M, Phippen AD, Moore DJ, Wentzel C
ICITST-2012 Proceedings, pp675-679, ISBN: 978-1-908320-08-7, 2012
Links:  External link available

Optimisation of resource selection in hybrid cloud
data centres depends on the control of resource usage. The
primary criterion for this resource selection is economic effi-
ciency. The presented approach considers operational efficiency
aspects in service providing and therefore focuses on technical
criteria, such as resource load, as well as economic criteria, such
as the costs of resource usage. When services are offered at
different service levels the approach enables revenue optimisation
in cases of excessive load. The concept is prepared to handle
heterogeneous IaaS scenarios.

Heckmann B, Zinn M, Phippen AD, Moore DJ, Wentzel C